| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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2000 Malibu Sunsetter VLX
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 |  |  |  | WOW !!!
Let me tell you about this awesome boat.
First of all, it is a whole family boat that all can enjoy at the same time.
One minute it is a perfect skier and the next minute it is a wake boarder dream of that 3 feet wake to launch a flip or even the superman if you dare.
My friends say that I have the best of both worlds and I can agree and once you own one you will say the same thing.
I bet you are asking yourself why am I selling this awesome boat , well because my kids don’t have the same love as I do and they are almost grown and out of here and for the last two years we have only been able to enjoy the boat about 8 times , that’s about 4 times a year because of cheerleading and baseball my kids true love and this year will be the same and to make it worst I now am working on a new project that is going to take up the rest of my spare time so rather than to let it sit and rot I want someone to enjoy my favorite toy and I know if you know anything about boat then you will be calling and say lets make a deal.
OK so let me tell you about the Malibu Sun setter, it is a great ski boat, the wake at 30 to 40 MPH is perfect for slalom skiing.
The stirring is very responsive and but forgiving some the skier or wake boarder has a great ride and the throttle is so smooth that you can gentle pull up a first time skier , wake boarder , tuber or knee boarder and rocket the advance or pro out of the water, this board can put a tree stump at 50 MPH all day long and never miss a beet.
At lower speeds 12 to 22 mph the wake is incredible.
The boat has a center ballast that you can full up to an additional 250 pounds so the wake is even bigger, as we troll with a boarder behind the boat the wake that roles way from us make the other boater envious and the fishermen up set because the wake rocks and roll them.
The boat is an open bow for sunning and ridden, but you can stop the draft with a plexi glass slide barrier to cut off the front of the boat.
The instrument panel has a wood grain with large and easy to see instruments, like deft finder, tachometer, speedometer, temp, gas, and hours.
The boat has tons of storage space, all the seat cushion can be removed for easy cleaning.
There is a table for meals, JVC stereo with a 12 disk CD player.
There is a boss tower with ski and wake board holder and the tower is already wired for lights and speakers but I yet have had them installed.
There’s a custom canopy top that covers the inside sitting.
The deck is teak and in great condition.
There are two custom covers, one for winter to keep the weather out and another for summer for easy access, and the trailer is a tandem axel and easy launch for fast, fast launches and exits.
This is an awesome package that anyone would desire and appreciate.
So happy boating.
See you soon!
contact me at 530-532-0394 before 8 pm or 530-531-5159
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